BLOG 2 - The Best Holidays or Concert You Have Been To

My best concert ever: knotfest chile 2022 Hello classmates today it's time of another good one history , so the topic of today's blog is " The Best Holidays or Concert You Have Been To" and I will talk to you of the most epic concert in the last time in chile "knotfest 2022".T hen most of you will think , "What is knotfest I never earn about that band before? and that is a very goog point to start to talk about it, knotfest is a mega metal event in which participate a lot of legendaries bands and and they play for the public in one place in the same day, something like lollapaloza but only whit metal bands, this event is organized and created by SLIPKNOT the legendary nu-metal band and for this occasion they choose chile to be the eye of the storm in the metal world. To the event came so many bands all of them legends of the metal music but for you today I will talk about the 3 bands, SLIPKNOT, JUDAS PRIEST and PANTERA. before all that it's im...